"1989! Another... another summer." Except that it was anything but "another summer." As Public Enemy's message of political revolt in "Fight the Power" inspired... Read More...
These "rewind" columns are a chance to take a look back at hip-hop history, but they also allow me to point out events that were going on in the world that shap... Read More...
1987 was a pretty good year for hip-hop AND for motion pictures. That was a pretty pivotal year for me - my first as a teenager - and at a time in my life where... Read More...
In some ways I envy those of you who weren't alive in 1986. The Chernobyl disaster instilled a life-long fear of nuclear power in me that I've never quite comes... Read More...
For many of you reading this column, watching these videos and listening to these songs, 1985 will be a completely foreign concept. Even people who are just hit... Read More...
Don't have a Shaq Attack.
This week we're taking on the top ten hip-hop sports videos, which for the purpose of this list can either be ABOUT sports or feature... Read More...