Ya heard me, dirty. If Nelly was the first chapter of the St. Louis "Book of Rap," the St. Lunatics are the required reading that follows. As they say on their... Read More...
Trippy. Experimental. Abstract. Funky. All of these words could be accurately used to describe beatsmith Daddy Kev. While 9 out of 10 cats making tracks are try... Read More...
Straight out of the vaults of Weightless Recordings, this brand new album is a self-described compilation of various songs that are either from projects that g... Read More...
There is a wormhole in the Hip-Hop Galaxy that just happens to open-up at the Bomb Hip-Hop headquarters in San Francisco, CA. Gathering from the past, mixing i... Read More...
There's a lesson to be learned right off the bat in the intro to the new Redman LP "Malpractice": the word "cunt" is only acceptable when some limey Brit is sp... Read More...
Redman's fourth solo offering is (so far) the only one of his albums to go platinum. Unfortunately, it is not his best work. Not to say that this isn't a good ... Read More...